
By becoming a member of the SBSA, you will join a forum for scientific boating administrators and boating safety personnel to share information that increases safety of your faculty, students and researchers. SBSA members participate with development with the latest standard of practices for training, equipment and scientific boating procedures. SBSA provides annual training awards to assist students obtaining boating safety training. Most importantly, your membership to the SBSA helps ensure scientific boating occurs in a safe and effective manner. Your membership will also enable SBSA to have a stronger voice when representing scientific boating in discussions with federal, state and local agencies.

New Members

Looking to join the SBSA? You can start by submitting this application (for new members only).

Organizational Membership – $80/year

With an Organizational membership base encompassing the entire United States, the SBSA is the largest, most influential scientific non-profit boating organization in the world. SBSA has achieved it’s prominent position through effective advocacy enlightened leadership, technical competence and hard work.

Individual Membership – $25/year

Scientific boaters and educators not affiliated with an Organizational Member as well as those with research boating experience can have a say in national scientific boating policy. Membership is $25/year. Individual Members do have a vote in SBSA policy and BoD elections.

Payments via Pay Pal

Annual Membership